Advertising Rates
The Source Weekly Rates Advertising Rates and Policies
Great Ideas Begin At The Source Weekly
Place An Ad In The Source Weekly
Classified Ads: Garage Sale Ads, etc.
Retail Display Ads:
Rate Details | Rate Price |
(15 Words) Minimum | $5.00 |
Each Additional Word | .25¢ |
Front Page Color | $8.00 |
Garage Sale Ads | First 15 words FREE* .25¢ each additional word |
Rate Details | Rate Price |
Open | $8.00 Per Column Row |
13-26 Weeks | $7.00 Per Column Row |
26+ Weeks | $6.50 Per Column Row |
Non-Profit | $6.00 Per Column Row |
Preferred Placement | Additional 30% |
Rate Details | Rate Price |
Contact to place a display ad. | |
1 Color and Black | $90.00 |
Full Process Color | $50.00 – $200.00 |
Details | Deadlines |
CLASSIFIED LINE ADS | Tuesday 6:00 p.m. |
RETAIL DISPLAY | Monday 5:00 p.m. |
COLOR ADS | All copy should be submitted to THE SOURCE WEEKLY 72 hours prior to date of publication |
Mechanical Measurements
Details | Column Widths |
Full page ad area is | 10″ X 13.85″ |
One column | 1.875″ |
Two columns | 3.9″ |
Three columns | 5.93″ |
Four columns | 7.97″ |
Five columns | 10.00″ |
THE SOURCE WEEKLY uses offset printing and uses an 85 line screen. 5 Column Page Layout |
Political Advertising
Political advertising is available at open retail rates. Political advertising must be paid for in advance. Political advertising must be properly labeled as such.
Special Services
Our graphic designers are available to compose creative, effective newspaper advertising for your business. This service is free with your ad placement in THE SOURCE WEEKLY.
Contract and Copy Regulations
All ads require advance payment to run in The Source Weekly and online at
Advertising policies are intended to create reader confidence in ethical advertising. We accommodate advertiser’s requests when possible: however, position cannot be guaranteed. THE SOURCE WEEKLY assumes no financial responsibility for typographic errors or omission of copy. Liability for errors or omissions shall not exceed the cost of that portion of space attributed thereto. Claims for adjustment must be made within seven days of publication. Credit is allowable for the first insertion only. In the event of an error or omission, we will furnish a letter of explanation for the advertiser. Advertisers, advertising agencies or agents will assume all liability for advertisements published (including illustrations, texts, claims, etc.) and agree to assume any and all responsibility for claims occurring therefrom against THE SOURCE WEEKLY. We will not extend credit for advertising orders or space reservations that claim sequential liability. We reserve the right to edit, alter, or decline any advertisements. THE SOURCE WEEKLY reserves the right to revise advertising rates at any time. Current advertisers will be notified in writing 30 days prior to a rate adjustment. Payment in advance is required when an ad is placed. Where credit has been approved, all advertising bills are due and payable by the 15th day of the month following publication. Account executives are not authorized to make any deviations from these published rates and regulations, orally or in writing.