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Much Ado About Nothing – “Vulture Vomit”

Much Ado About Nothing August 22, 2019

Much Ado by Jean Ciampi

Which Syrian gypsy do you have to piss off to get a curse laid on you that makes two dozen, Federally-protected black vultures vomit and poop all over your three quarters of a million dollar Florida vacation home? Siobhan Casimano of New York knows because that horrible black cloud has settled over his West Palm Beach vacation house. He describes the smell as “like a thousand rotting corpses.” Considering the dietary habits of an average American vulture, I’d say, yeah, that’s probably about right.

Oh but wait! It gets better! The extremely unwelcome feathered visitors aren’t just hanging out in the yard politely making their putrid mess. No. They have clawed apart the screened enclosures and taken over the pool and barbecue. I’m sure it won’t be long before they’re raiding the liquor cabinet and joy-riding in the Mercedes. It’s like being overrun by drunk zombie frat boys on Spring Break times 24 million!

Turns out, the curse-casting Syrian gypsy lives in the neighborhood. One of the neighbors (who may or may not be an actual Syrian gypsy) has been feeding the giant carcass consumers. We’re not talking sunflower seeds and songbird mix here either. She’s putting out bags of dog food and entire chickens. Which makes you wonder if the cuckooberry bush hasn’t bloomed there. I mean, I feed the hummingbirds, but they don’t puke decomposing flesh all over me.

And because Mr. Casimano has earned the front row seat on the express bus to hell, there’s nothing he can do to the vultures. They’re migratory and therefore protected by federal law. Everything he’s tried hoping to scare them off has only annoyed them so they attack him. No small thing when you consider their beaks can bite through bones. Or your skull. Or the skull of the president of the homeowners association who also can’t do anything about the big barf birds or the woman who keeps feeding them.

More bad news? Black vultures have no natural predators. Therefore, the options remaining here, as I see it, are to just burn down the entire neighborhood. I don’t think anyone will fight that. Obviously, property values are now on the menu at Café Corpse.

On the bright side, this makes having my in-laws visit for a week not seem so bad.

Much Ado About Nothing – “DMV”

Much Ado About Nothing August 15, 2019

Much Ado by Jean Ciampi

After a great amount of teeth-gnashing and moral struggle, I finally accepted the fact that I had to get a new driver’s license. I hope you’re happy, Public Library, and can you please process my card now? Of the many reasons for the apocalyptic level of resistance, primary was the simple fact that I didn’t want to give up being a card-carrying Texan. If you don’t live in Texas, you probably don’t understand. If you do, then give me a “Hell Yeah!”

Next on the list, I dreaded giving up hours of my life sitting in the Department of Motor Vehicles waiting. However, the reality that I can only play the tourist card so long and I wanted to check out a library book finally won out. So, it was two and half hours of my life I can never reclaim, but I’m sure I would have foolishly squandered it anyway doing something ridiculous like playing Candy Crush on my phone. Oh wait, that’s exactly what I did.

I also learned every private detail about a woman in line behind me because she talked on her phone the whole time. Loudly. I can’t say I’ve ever had the police come to my residence more than twice in one night but maybe I’m not the norm. Truly, I do hope it all works out for her, whoever she is.

During the wait, I did have Terrell Owens teach me how to play Sudoku on his iPad. Okay, maybe it wasn’t THE Terrell Owens, Hall of Fame wide receiver for the NFL, but if you kind of squinted really hard, it’d look like him. And that’s the name the guy was renewing on his driver’s license, so maybe it was him. What else are you going to do after retiring from pro football except try and teach me some crazy math puzzle.

With it all said and done, I spent some quality time with other great residents of my county and quite a few of their tired, screaming, sticky children. I can now realize the big pay-off of being able to vote, sit on a jury of my peers, get a fishing license at a fraction of the price, utilize the city dump twice a month, and freely check out every book at my local library. Texas will just have to understand.

Much Ado About Nothing – “Hate Hate”

Much Ado About Nothing August 7, 2019

Much Ado by Jean Ciampi

I was reading about a mass shooting and realized it wasn’t the one I thought just happened because another one, completely unrelated, had happened just a few hours later. And it made me angry. Anger, though, is almost always either fear or sadness. In this case, I believe it is equal measures of both. As a community, a country, a world, we need to take another look at what we’re doing individually and collectively to allow this to happen.

For those who react with “Thoughts and Prayers,” keep doing that. Keep thinking of ways to be the change that reminds us we’re all children of God who deserve compassion, love, and safety regardless of which side of the issue or the gun you stand on. And pray to your God, the God, a God for healing and understanding. We need that within ourselves and throughout our broken world. Then stretch out of your comfort zone and join the “We Have to Do Something” folks.

We definitely do have to do something, but I don’t think it’s a one-off. If you want to point fingers, then spread your hands out wide and point them all: mental health, gun access, disenfranchisement of our youth, hate, fear, blame. But if you stop now and look, your hands are open and outstretched. Keep them there. Let your arms and heart and mind follow.

Maybe you feel like you can’t change the world – maybe you can’t. But you can change yourself. Channel your fear and sadness away from hate and blame and use it as motivation to do something positive. Volunteer in your community so there are safe, constructive places for kids to go besides inside a computer screen. Meet your neighbors and keep a finger on how they’re doing. Do they need support? Can you be it or help them find it? Do you need support? Can you find it? It really is there if you reach out!

Get involved with your local government and offer your voice where it can be heard and actually make an impact. Railing on social media won’t change anything, but railing in a city council meeting might! If it doesn’t, then get off your computer and get on city council!

Rudyard Kipling said, “Keep your head when those around you are losing theirs.” It’s advice for our time. We can turn this around.

  • What I Heard This Week 10-26-2023

    by on October 25, 2023 - 0 Comments

    Former US astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon, recently remarried for the fourth time, which also happened to be on the occasion of his 93rd birthday. This time it was to Dr. Anca Faur, his 63-year-old, long-time companion (who looks like she wants to be 27), has a PhD in chemical engineering, and is now the executive vice president of Aldrin’s company, Buzz Aldrin Ventures.  He was first married to Joan Ann Archer in 1954 until divorcing in 1974. The next year he married Beverly Van Zile; they divorced after three years. His third marriage was to Lois Driggs Cannon in 1988 on Valentine's Day, divorcing 23 years later. Looks like he hasn’t given up on ‘love’ quite yet. He has sued two of his children and his former business manager claiming they stole money from him and are slandering his legacy, and that they also undermined his "personal romantic relationships" by forbidding him from getting married. His children say he is also spending money at an alarming rate. Sounds like those children are out of luck. There is a new sheriff in town and her name is MRS. Aldrin. ☹ Notes: Aldrin is also a strong advocate for human exploration of Mars. In 2002, he escaped assault charges after punching a man who demanded he swear on a Bible that the Moon landing was not staged. Good for him. He also said, “Tang sucks. “

  • What I Heard This Week 11-30-2023

    by on November 29, 2023 - 0 Comments

    Former US astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon, recently remarried for the fourth time, which also happened to be on the occasion of his 93rd birthday. This time it was to Dr. Anca Faur, his 63-year-old, long-time companion (who looks like she wants to be 27), has a PhD in chemical engineering, and is now the executive vice president of Aldrin’s company, Buzz Aldrin Ventures.  He was first married to Joan Ann Archer in 1954 until divorcing in 1974. The next year he married Beverly Van Zile; they divorced after three years. His third marriage was to Lois Driggs Cannon in 1988 on Valentine's Day, divorcing 23 years later. Looks like he hasn’t given up on ‘love’ quite yet. He has sued two of his children and his former business manager claiming they stole money from him and are slandering his legacy, and that they also undermined his "personal romantic relationships" by forbidding him from getting married. His children say he is also spending money at an alarming rate. Sounds like those children are out of luck. There is a new sheriff in town and her name is MRS. Aldrin. ☹ Notes: Aldrin is also a strong advocate for human exploration of Mars. In 2002, he escaped assault charges after punching a man who demanded he swear on a Bible that the Moon landing was not staged. Good for him. He also said, “Tang sucks. “

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