As a loyal, card-carrying Texan, I watched all 11.5 hours of the broadcasted funerals for President George HW Bush over the two days, from the guests entering the National Cathedral until he arrived at the Presidential Library. Anyone else who watched it and didn’t cry at least one tear at some point – regardless of your political affiliations – needs a professional cardiologist to verify they still have a beating heart. It was overall a beautiful and touching tribute to a man who had, for better or worse, dedicated his life to the service of his country.
So if you missed it, here are a few highlights starting with every living president lined up on a church pew in order of appearance. I couldn’t help wondering how many left the church and immediately changed and upgraded the plans for their own funeral to keep up with this one. It’s going to be a challenge, for sure. And as they were sitting there, were they all looking at Jimmy thinking, “You’re up next, dude.”
It’s probably only a Texas president that’s going to land Reba McIntyre to sing the Lord’s Prayer and bring the Oakridge Boys together again for “Amazing Grace.” Honestly, I thought it was kind of amazing that they were there as they didn’t look that far out of the grave themselves. Regardless, they still sounded pretty darn good. I’m betting that if the funeral directors weren’t trying to meet a train schedule, George Strait would have been next, riding down the center aisle of the Episcopal Cathedral on his horse.
Whether in Washington or Houston, there seemed to be an overriding message of respect, of bipartisan patriotism, and selfless service. A message this country so desperately needs to hear right now. We can only hope that it was heard and understood by those present to hear it delivered. And perhaps we, as a country, need to raise up more 20-year olds who will put personal ambitions on hold and courageously go into battle for their country and look Death in the face for their beliefs instead of 20-year olds who have become a physical part of their parents’ couch and are offended by a cartoon father being too harsh on a make-believe animated Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer.
Rest well, Mr. President. Job well done, good and faithful servant.
Oh, and it’s snowing again.