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What I Heard This Week! 06-11-2020

What I Heard This Week June 10, 2020

Good news: In the wake of the devastating brush fires where so much wildlife was lost, the Australian Reptile Park in New South Wales, has welcomed its first baby koala of the season, baby girl named Ash. The video is super sweet.

New Zealand has now moved to level one, the lowest of a four-tier alert system for COVID-19. Social distancing is now not required, there are no limits on public gatherings, but it is still encouraged, and their borders will remain closed to foreigners. They have not reported a new case for 7 days.

If I remember correctly, I may have mentioned that the kids and I have eaten a lot of potatoes during the past 3 months. Mostly mashed, with lots of real butter and real cream, then we take the leftovers and make potato cakes, which was a staple in my family when I was growing up. Add an egg, a little flour, some baking powder if you want, some corn and chopped green onions, then place scoops in a greased pan. Flip when brown. Delicious. You can also scrub potatoes (because you’ll want to eat the skins), slice them in half, add a pad of butter with a big slice of fresh onion, some garlic, a little lemon pepper with salt, inside and out, then wrap them in foil and bake. Make sure you place them so the butter doesn’t drip out or it messes up your oven – yes, I know this from experience. You can also place them on your grill before you cook your meats. Easy, and I promise you will love them this way.

When I was a kid, the Crayola box had flesh (later renamed peach) and a brown color in it. The flesh wasn’t used often because it didn’t show up very well on white paper. Last month, Crayola announced they will have a new set of hues representing over 40 global skin tones that “authentically reflects the full spectrum of human complexions,” in both 24 and 32-crayon packs. For the project, Crayola brought in the CEO of cosmetics line MOB Beauty, Victor Casale. He said, “I have spent my life trying to create truly global shade palettes because I know what it’s like to be with a person who has finally found their exact match…Growing up, I remember mixing the pink and dark brown crayons to try and make my shade, so I was thrilled when Crayola asked for my help to create the Colors of the World crayons.” It will be available in July. A different Crayola set, called Multicultural, came out 20-years ago with colors of black, sepia, peach, apricot, white, tan, mahogany, and burnt sienna.

Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family. Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one. Jane Howard

Flashback to your Childhood: Summer is around the corner and it is nearly time for the cicadas to emerge for their once-in-17-year mating season. Parts of Virginia, North Carolina and West Virginia could see as many as 1.5 million cicadas emerging PER ACRE. It is an amazing event, but noisy. The males are trying to find a mate and try to out-noise each other. I watched a YouTube video (Return of the Cicadas) and the sounds that filled the trees brought back childhood memories of playing outside way past dark…until our moms made us come in. Researchers say the breeding cycle is still something of a mystery. Could it be tied to avoiding predators (nah, a bunch still get eaten.) Climate change was listed a possible cause. They are truly, beautiful creatures, and sadly, only live for about 6 weeks.

ActionS is packing boxes for homebound senior citizens throughout the county. Inexpensive cleaning products, small bottles of water, coffee, soup, Boost, oatmeal, canned milk, non-refrigerated juice, canned meats, and non-perishable snacks.  Any non-perishable food item is great. Also, any donations of money can be sent to ActionS, 1524 E. Mulberry, Suite 135, Angleton, Texas. This will be spent on specialty items that are requested.

RECENT BIRTHDAYS: Singer Janet Jackson is 54. Actor Rami Malek is 39. Actress Tina Fey is 50. Actress Barbara Barrie is 89. Actress Joan Collins is 87.

Found on Facebook: People are still shocked Texas wants to open back up. Let me try to explain it. Five years ago, Blue Bell literally killed us with contaminated ice cream and all we cared about was when we would get our next half-gallon. It’s what we do.

Oops. I spelled ‘Legally Blonde’ wrong, a few weeks back. My son noticed that I left off the ‘e’ on the end of Blonde. Sorry, Reese. Congratulations to Brazoria County District Attorney Jeri Yenne, who is retiring. She became an assistant DA 32 years ago, then was elected DA in 1999. Thank you. A community midwife, a train driver and a supermarket worker are British Vogue’s latest cover stars…true beauties inside and out. If by chance, we must evacuate for a future storm (thank you for leaving us alone, Cristobal), don’t forget to put disinfectant, face coverings and gloves in your to-go bag.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard became famous in 2015 when she, along with her then-boyfriend, planned the murder of her mother, after years of medical child abuse. She became the subject of an HBO documentary titled Mommy Dead and Dearest and a HULU miniseries called The Act. Her parole hearing is scheduled for 2024. Gypsy admits to experiencing more freedom in prison than she ever did in real-life with her mother. Munchausen syndrome by proxy is a mental health problem in which a caregiver makes up or causes an illness or injury in a person under their care. Her mother had over 100 doctors that had provided consultations and treatments – organizations like Make-a-Wish Foundation and even Gypsy’s own father, believed that she was a paraplegic battling muscular dystrophy, leukemia, epilepsy, and had a history of mental retardation, operating at the same level as a 7-year-old. Her mother controlled everything. I find it hard to believe that she was given 10 years in prison after that kind of abuse. It’s hard to realize that she never had a normal family day in her life. Was she the victim or the villain? Watch the shows. They are intriguing.

Tuesday Morning was calling my name, so I put on my garden gloves and mask, and ventured out for the first time, ‘for fun’ instead of groceries, bird seed or cat litter. Tuesday Morning stores have been so good to me. My current dishes came from every Tuesday Morning store within a 60-mile radius. I love the chase. I adore the Peacock Alley bedding (the softest cotton ever) and waited for over a year for them to mark down a Coursistan rug that I was in love with. I am very patient when there is a deal involved. Well, on this day, very few people were obeying the direction arrows on the floor and even fewer were wearing masks. I shopped in record time and informed two individuals along the way, that they were going the wrong direction. Hmmm. Sorry, but this isn’t rocket science. The rules are in place and the stickers are on the floor for all of us, not just me. Then on Sunday, I ventured to Costco because I was out of all the BIG things. My last trip there was three months ago, and I needed laundry soap, paper plates for the office, toilet paper, paper towels and wine. Yes, wine. I was relieved when I got there, to see that EVERYONE had on a mask and they were kind and friendly, spraying, then wiping down the carts. Everyone there was behaving like we were having a pandemic and they were still happy. (There were two individuals that were cruising through the store without masks and without baskets, looking like they were daring someone to call them down, but I did not.  My basket was like a puzzle. I could not have fit in one more item.  It was great. Yes, I am good for another 2-3 months but everyone in my office may have to ration their toilet paper use. As Dr. Oz says, “2-3 squares because you’re going to wash your hands afterwards anyway, aren’t you?”

In the mid-20th century, our hygiene changed because of access to clean water. The average life expectancy a hundred years ago was mid-40’s, and today it is 78.6 years as an average, with women (81.1) living about five years longer than men (76.1). Our homes now all have indoor bathrooms with running water to wash our hands. Miryam Z. Wahman has written a book about handwashing called “The Hand Book: Surviving in a Germ-filled World,” where she explains because of world travel, we need to learn how to live in a germ-filled world because it is here to stay, and we need to do a much better job than we have in the past.

Families are about love overcoming emotional torture. Matt Groening

As I trudged through another pile at my office that I had not touched or seen in a while, I came across something that the late Mike Lowrey once said. These words of wisdom were given to me when I helped with his funeral, after his unexpected death on August 31, 2014. It has always spoken to my heart, more so now, than ever. “We are who/what we are. We are gifted for something…and we must identify and pursue this gift…so…start where you are…use what you have…do what you can…Now!  Mike Lowrey

In two local neighborhoods that I am aware of, uninvited strangers have been making the rounds of the houses, knocking on doors, selling webworm/caterpillar cocoon removal and pesticide control. Lucky for us, we all talk. These guys (and girls) gather information from each house that they visit, then casually drop bits of that information in conversation, making the person think that they know more than they rightfully should. They remember your name, your children’s names and then they make use of that information at the next house. They also tell you that “everyone in the neighborhood is doing this.”  Then they get your payment information. Watch out. Scammers everywhere now.

It is a disgrace to grow old through sheer carelessness. Socrates

I have run this before, but it is so funny, so here it is again.
Doug Smith is on his deathbed and knows the end is near.  His nurse, his wife, daughter and 2 sons are with him. He asks for 2 witnesses to be present and a camcorder be in place to record his last wishes, and when all is ready, he begins to speak:
“My son, Bernie, I want you to take the Mayfair houses.”
“My daughter Sybil, you take the apartments over in the east end.”
“My son, Jamie, I want you to take the offices over in the City Center.”
“Sarah, my dear wife, please take all the residential buildings on the banks of the river.”

The nurse and witnesses are blown away as they did not realize his extensive holdings, and as Doug slips away, the nurse says, “Mrs. Smith, your husband must have been such a hard-working man to have accumulated all this property”. The wife rolls her eyes and replies, “The old goat has a paper route.”

Readers: after 21 plus years together, we still think the world of you. Help us… Small businesses need your help. We need your help. Sell something. Give something away. Buy something that someone is selling in this paper today. It will take more than a village to pull some of us out of the great, big, dark hole that we are in. Thank you.


What I Heard This Week! 06-04-2020

What I Heard This Week May 27, 2020

Last week, while I was cleaning the kitchen something hit my window remarkably hard. All I saw were wings and big feathers. I rushed outside identifying a huge hawk staggering around like a tiny drunk, suddenly regaining his composure and flying off. Hmmm. As big as that hawk was, I’m surprised it didn’t break the window. All sorts of things went thru my head like, was he trying to get in because he saw one of my cats…nope, no cats in the kitchen at that time. Was my window so sparkling clean that he didn’t realize it was a window…hah…absolutely not! There have been several hawks closer to the house the past month or so which is unusual, but I had been worried only for the chihuahuas, squirrels, mice, and Tippi Hedren. As I walked back into the kitchen (thinking that surely it had a crack in there somewhere), I realized that imprinted on my window, was the most perfect marking of a bird…head, extended wings, legs, everything – just as it had hit the window. Absolutely perfect. I guess the oils and dirt from bird feathers leave marks. I showed the kids where the huge hawk hit the window, but something still didn’t figure into the story. The next day we discovered the answer – a dead dove in the flowerbed, right below the window. I guess the hawk was in pursuit of the dove, lost his mind trying to catch him and they both hit the window. It’s a great picture. We put a black placemat behind the marking, so it would show up better. Great story too. It is nice to know that there is less of a chance that I will be mobbed by hawks in the kitchen. And I really should clean that window when I get home…

Albert Einstein once said, “Creativity is intelligence having fun.” My opinion is, every person, kid or grown-up alike, can and would benefit from playing with Legos. If you do not believe me, sit down with a big container of bricks, and make something. It’s special. About six months ago we ended up with a Lego Kleenex box holder at home. It did not start out as a Kleenex box holder, it just ended up in the bathroom and it fits. Last week, Lego released the Lamborghini Sian FKP 37 kit, with 3,696 pieces, scissor opening doors, and an imported sports car cost of $379.99. Someone is going to like this a lot.

The end is the final page of a book. In Lego, it’s not a thing. John Comley

A sign of the times. This one makes me sad. Tuesday Morning has filed for bankruptcy and will be closing 132 stores, including the Clute store. I have always enjoyed shopping there. Victoria’s Secret also announced plans to permanently close approximately 250 stores this year.

Have you ever wondered about airports having CNN on the screens while you are waiting for flights? Technically, it’s not the same programming that you would watch at home. It is called the CNN Airport Network and it’s a mix of lifestyle, entertainment, sports, and business headlines, as well as live CNN. What you won’t find is any news about commercial aviation crashes or any story that is inappropriate for families. Hmmm. Makes sense. Geez. That might eliminate a little bit of nervousness by not seeing a plane crash right before you board.  Note: Airline travel has declined 91% since the pandemic.

Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. – Leonardo Da Vinci

Sounds like the U.S. is beating everyone with our number of COVID-19 cases at 1,820,523. The total number of confirmed cases in Russia reached 423,741, and Russia is about 1.7 times bigger than the U.S. Way to go, U.S. Nobody likes a loser. Stay safe and stay home unless you really need to go out…

My daughter and I were shopping H.E.B. last night for a relative and going in, we couldn’t find a small grocery basket. Oh, well. We really needed the bigger one, but why no small baskets. Glad you asked. In an experiment by a grocery cart manufacturer, shoppers bought 40% more stuff when given a cart double the size they usually used. There you go.

So, I decided to look up the top ten infrared thermometers, so we would have one at the office. I Googled and found MSN ‘Best’ Products. Taylor makes one that had Best Value on it, and it had an 8.9 rating. Ok, looking good, so I pulled it up. I was surprised to see a disclaimer at the bottom of the page that said, “Note: This thermometer is not intended for human use and will not accurately report body temperatures.” Hmmm. Then, what is it for? If I want to see if my grill is hot, I just put my hand over the fire. If I want to know the temperature outside, I open the door. I am so confused.

Several years ago, right after Christmas, I found the little Tile Mates marked down at either Lowe’s or Home Depot. I thought I needed them, so I bought two. They have set in their boxes on the cabinet, in a drawer or on the kitchen table, ever since. Well, with the ‘special’ time that we have been allotted since COVID, the kids and I have completed a few extra projects and one of those was the TILE. I cannot tell you how special this little piece of plastic is. The TILE loops right on to your keyring. In real life, I misplace my phone and my keys, (but not my pajamas or the bottle of wine or my yard rake, just my keys and cellphone, so don’t worry about me.) Before COVID, when both kids were away at college, I was known to come back to the office and call them so they could locate my phone. I had been talking about getting my home phone back for one purpose and one purpose only, to find my phone. Never again. In the past few weeks, I have used the TILE twice to find my phone and once for my keys. It is fabulous.  I told both my kids that I really have no need for them anymore. The kids.

During our time at home, many people are now baking bread, some are planting gardens, others are cleaning out drawers and closets or catching up on chores that we never have time for. For a man in Brisbane, Australia, it was the perfect opportunity to complete his most important piece of art, a 15-foot-tall replica of a laughing kookaburra. The body has a steel framework and includes fiberglass, steel mesh, bamboo, welding rods, ceramic and some hot glue. Its distinctive laugh cackles through a sound system installed inside. The kookaburra was intended for an arts festival. In the past, the artist has also made a 15-foot-tall koala, a 200-foot-long carpet snake and a 33-foot-long crocodile. It is a great video guaranteed to make you smile when you hear the bird.

Check out all the Farmers Markets in today’s County Calendar on page 9. They are doing several different things to keep everyone healthy.

American Airlines and Delta Air Lines are offering buyouts to employees, realizing that it may take many years for airline travel to resume to the same level BC. Delta is offering an early retirement option and a general buyout package, while American hopes to cut staff by about 30 percent. On the flip side, RV and boat sales are up about 50% because people feel safer vacationing and camping on the road in their own traveling hotel, rather than flying. It will be an interesting summer.

City Manager Bill Yenne is retiring after more than 40 years with the city of LJ. You HAVE helped make this a better place! Have fun in your new chapter of life. Drop him a card. Congratulations to friends, Pam & Ravi Singhania on their 50th wedding anniversary. Brazoria County Day 2021 is Feb. 23, 2021.  A trip to the International Space Station will cost tourists $52 million, so some of us may be left at home. More than 103,000 Americans have now died of Covid-19. That is nearly one-third of the world’s Covid-19 death toll. The Boston Marathon has been canceled for the first time in the 124-year history…that’s two World Wars and the Spanish Flu which infected 500 million people. It will be held virtually.

NASA Landsat 8 satellite took images of vast poppy fields blooming in the Antelope Valley Poppy Reserve in California, that could be seen from space. Bet that was even prettier close-up. This area received 1.5 inches of rain this spring which was about 4 inches above normal.

Do you name your vehicles? It seems that 94% of people do name their cars. The commercial calls the old family station wagon, that’s been passed down from kid to kid, Beige Betty. My daughter just sold Blueberry, a blue Jeep Liberty, that she had a very hard time parting with. Her second car was Margot and her present car, a Honda HRV is named Millicent (Millie). All girls. I call my tan Buick Enclave, School Bus, because it feels like I’m driving a school bus, plus during high school years, it was always packed with more kids than seatbelts. Connie has a white Toyota Tacoma truck named Brad. (I think she winked as she told me.) I envisioned Brad Pitt because she LOVES her truck. Rachelle had a red Datsun 210 named Sparky. Pam, a Chevrolet van named The Box. Tina says that her son called her van, Savari, but that was only because he could not say Safari. Debra’s first car (a piece of junk per her text) was Hoopdy, then her suburban was named Big Red. My son has a CRV named Hondamatic. If you’re in the 6% and feeling left out because you haven’t named your car, then go to confused.com/car-name-generator. It will ask you gender, age, color, personality, then get you to pick a car related movie and a road trip, then it names your car. I put in all my information for my School Bus, and it named her Dorothy, which really suits her, since we don’t drag kids around anymore. Have fun with this. Share your names with me if you want. Lisa@TheSourceWeekly.com. In fact, you can also go to FantasyNameGenerators.com/car-names.php or autoaccessoriesgarage.com/car-name-generator or buzzfeed.co/volvo/what-should-you-name-your-car-actually. A fun rainy afternoon project.

Mask up to show your love for your family and friends. Houston Mayor Turner

Hurricane Season. The season started on June 1 and ends Nov.30th. Late Aug. thru Sept. is considered peak. No one really knows until it’s over, but the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is predicting an above-normal 2020 Atlantic hurricane season, with 13 to 19 named storms. NOAA forecasters said that six to 10 of those storms will become hurricanes and three to six of those could become major hurricanes with 111 mph winds or higher. States most often hit by hurricanes are Florida, Louisiana, and Texas. Two named storms, Arthur, and Bertha formed ahead of the official season, along with Cristobal, which could now develop into a hurricane before we go to print next week.

Looking for the perfect Father’s Day gift? How about a PhoneSoap Smartphone Sanitizer? $80.  A Bristle Free Grill Brush is $17. (I want this.)  A customizable Mega Dad Personalized Comic Book is $35. A West Coast Style IPA Beer Brewing Kit runs from $20 – $150. Shark, Toy Army Soldier or Taco Socks are just $10. Grilled Cheese Bags to put in your toaster are just $10. A Key-Hiding Rock is just $22.  Basketball or Baseball Dartboards will run you $120. A Reclaimed Bike Tube Reflective Wallet is $38. If none of this hits home, then you are on your own. He will love whatever, as long as it comes from you.

”You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us. And the world will live as one.” John Lennon

The series of actions that killed George Floyd while in police custody, not only violated the policies of the Minneapolis Police Dept., it violated the laws of life that most humans live by today. It’s so easy to be swayed by the outside elements helping fuel the violence that we see happening across the world.  I look forward to the day when we all see past color and gender…Asian, white, black, brown…men, women and other. To do this, we must all be aware of what goes on in our own heads. Research shows there is a part of the unconscious mind that is derived from genetic memory and is common to all humans. You relive a memory because it is part of our genetic code, therefore being passed down from generation to generation. (Think about the Monarch butterfly.)  This has shaped history and where we are at this very moment in time. But not all biases are unconscious, and this is going to require major personal work. It’s no longer, just the way things are done around here, or that was the way I was raised. The privileges we all have, need to be used for the good of mankind. All mankind. Let’s take what all of us have learned from this, move forward and make an even better world.


  • What I Heard This Week 10-26-2023

    by on October 25, 2023 - 0 Comments

    Former US astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon, recently remarried for the fourth time, which also happened to be on the occasion of his 93rd birthday. This time it was to Dr. Anca Faur, his 63-year-old, long-time companion (who looks like she wants to be 27), has a PhD in chemical engineering, and is now the executive vice president of Aldrin’s company, Buzz Aldrin Ventures.  He was first married to Joan Ann Archer in 1954 until divorcing in 1974. The next year he married Beverly Van Zile; they divorced after three years. His third marriage was to Lois Driggs Cannon in 1988 on Valentine's Day, divorcing 23 years later. Looks like he hasn’t given up on ‘love’ quite yet. He has sued two of his children and his former business manager claiming they stole money from him and are slandering his legacy, and that they also undermined his "personal romantic relationships" by forbidding him from getting married. His children say he is also spending money at an alarming rate. Sounds like those children are out of luck. There is a new sheriff in town and her name is MRS. Aldrin. ☹ Notes: Aldrin is also a strong advocate for human exploration of Mars. In 2002, he escaped assault charges after punching a man who demanded he swear on a Bible that the Moon landing was not staged. Good for him. He also said, “Tang sucks. “

  • What I Heard This Week 11-30-2023

    by on November 29, 2023 - 0 Comments

    Former US astronaut Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon, recently remarried for the fourth time, which also happened to be on the occasion of his 93rd birthday. This time it was to Dr. Anca Faur, his 63-year-old, long-time companion (who looks like she wants to be 27), has a PhD in chemical engineering, and is now the executive vice president of Aldrin’s company, Buzz Aldrin Ventures.  He was first married to Joan Ann Archer in 1954 until divorcing in 1974. The next year he married Beverly Van Zile; they divorced after three years. His third marriage was to Lois Driggs Cannon in 1988 on Valentine's Day, divorcing 23 years later. Looks like he hasn’t given up on ‘love’ quite yet. He has sued two of his children and his former business manager claiming they stole money from him and are slandering his legacy, and that they also undermined his "personal romantic relationships" by forbidding him from getting married. His children say he is also spending money at an alarming rate. Sounds like those children are out of luck. There is a new sheriff in town and her name is MRS. Aldrin. ☹ Notes: Aldrin is also a strong advocate for human exploration of Mars. In 2002, he escaped assault charges after punching a man who demanded he swear on a Bible that the Moon landing was not staged. Good for him. He also said, “Tang sucks. “

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